
@chadkoh — Generous with Likes ❤️

Year: 2017

  • 100 days of meditation

    At 6am this morning I quietly rose out of bed, padded into the bathroom to wash the sleep out my eyes, and then sat down on a cushion in front of the fireplace in my living room, surrounded by shadow and silence. Crossing my legs into a half-lotus position, I took a couple of deep…

  • Back on iOS after 5 years

    In the summer of 2012, after quitting Apple, I went out on a limb and got my first Android phone. 5 years later I have switched back to iOS. It is interesting to see what has and has not changed, and what I miss about Android after two weeks with iPhone X.

  • Why I moved here

    Friends at startupvernon.com have been canvassing for stories about what made people move to the Okanagan. I would like to add mine using their questions (slightly adjusted). NOTE: On November 30 our friends in Vernon will be hosting this years #megageekbeers which brings together community members from Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Kamloops and surrounding areas. I…

  • Ethnocultural Diversity in Kelowna

    It has been 10 years since Canada has had a comprehensive census. This year the results have been trickling out from StatsCan, and today the stats that I have been waiting for all year were finally released: immigration. Some high level findings: 250 ethnic groups 1 in 5 Canadians are foreign-born 2 in 5 kids…

  • Remembering through facsimile

    This weekend I finally sat down to watch Shinkai Makoto’s breakout anime hit of 2016 「君の名は。」Your name.. It was an entertaining story with some nice twists, great voice acting, and some cute scenes. In preparation for this film I watched two other Shinkai films in order to get more familiar with his work. First was…

  • Infliction of Self — a review of The Burnout Society

    Byung-Chul Han’s The Burnout Society is a collection of essays reviewing famous thinkers’ (Deleuze, Freud, Arendt, Ehrenberg, et alia) thinking about the ailments of society in an attempt to diagnose what ails now. Each essay builds towards an argument with a number of subtle nuances. At only 72 pages, this is the perfect book-club book…

  • There is no “I”

    At 6:15 the bell tolls. You have already been awake for a half hour. Anticipation? Slowly, you pad out of your cell at the Birken Forest Monastery, walking over the matted straw floor and into the carpeted hallway. You peek down into the meditation hall from this second-floor hallway to see if anyone is already…

  • Event: Community planning workshop

    Event: Community planning workshop

    The City of Kelowna is holding public consultations in an effort to re-imagine what the Capri-Landmark area will look like in the next few decades. This week I was invited to speak at one of the workshops about my perspective on active transportation. Essentially, I gave the same talk that I did at OnPoint last…

  • Intraculturalism: A multicultural third way

    “Canada is a multicultural patchwork quilt, a country of immigrants.” These are common refrains about our country. Canada is home to over 200 ethnic groups, and has an official multicultural policy since 1971 (instituted by Trudeau the elder). Yet xenophobia and racism still remain, and multiculturalism is still a hot debate. The debate is not…

  • The National Mall, Washington DC

    The National Mall, Washington DC

    I am travelling in the capital region of the United States right now on business. I took a day to walk the National Mall in Washington, DC. It was a gorgeous day, sunny but not hot. The wind made it deceptively cool, and I got a terrible sunburn. I walked the 5km from Union Station…