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Japanese Twitter user numbers by Nielsen

Netratings, a web ad market analysis firm owned by Nielsen, has compiled country data from a Nielsen report last month revealing the number of Twitter users in Japan compared to the US and UK.

Twitter usage in US, UK and Japan

There are about half a million Japanese users compared to the UK’s 2.5 million users. Twitter’s US base has exploded over the first half of the year (no doubt due to the Oprah and Kutcher effect) and is at a whopping 17 million. Remember, this data is from more than a month ago.

Considering Japanese is the only non-English localization offered by Twitter, I thought the site would have more users here. Twitter is ranked 249th most trafficked site in Japan (47th worldwide, 15th in both US and UK) by Alexa. As survey site What Japan Thinks noted a couple of weeks ago, maybe Twitter is not that popular in Japan.

Via Danbo

Japanese Twitter user numbers by Nielsen