Below are links to all the off-the-cuff reviews of books and film from this quarter. I didn’t add to my list of more in depth reviews. During 2013Q3 I did not read as many books, but read a few comics and got addicted to Brian K. Vaughan’s Saga (vol 1, vol 2) and Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye (vol 1, vol 2). I have since picked up more of Fraction’s work to read for the future.
Furthermore, I only read a couple of books on internet politics as I finally released my thinking on an information-centric political philosophy. At the recommendation of a couple of academics I have been reading some journal articles on the subject, but this quarter I plan to finish Gabriella Coleman’s Coding Freedom and Ron Diebert’s Black Code.
Reviews from Goodreads (2013)
★★★☆☆ Hidden in Plain Sight: Tracing the Roots of Ueshiba Morihei’s Power
★★★☆☆ The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It
★★★★☆ Mars Direct: Space Exploration, the Red Planet, and the Human Future
★★★★☆ The Engineer: Follow Elon Musk on a journey from South Africa to Mars
★★★☆☆ You Are Not a Gadget: Being Human in an Age of Technology
From my Letterboxd film diary:
★★★½☆ Elysium
★★★☆☆ The Little Mermaid
★★★★☆ The Matrix