
@chadkoh — Generous with Likes ❤️

Year: 2012

  • The Information Diet

    During the first weekend of my information fast I read The Information Diet by Clay Johnson. I felt pretty sheepish when I came across this comment criticizing fasting: For most, I think this will yield an unsuccessful outcome. By the end of the fast, you’ll be so eager to plug back in that — like…

  • Information Fast

    The pledge: For the month of September I pledge to limit my media consumption. This means no Twitter, Google+, Path, Tumblr, Hacker News, Popurls , Intigi or Zite. It means no Apple blogs. It means no football podcasts or watching MOTD. I am limiting myself to 1 of each of the following sources: My goal…

  • Time to think (revisited)

    Harjj Taggar removed email from his iPhone. Some choice quotes: Having time to think is precious to me and it’s also incredibly important if you want to achieve anything close to original thought. … Once I realized the power of this I went on to delete more than just email. Facebook, Twitter and Quora apps…

  • If you are moving DO NOT use Universal Truck Rental

    If you are moving DO NOT use Universal Truck Rental. They want you to spend your time maintaining their vehicles, and pay for the privilege. The deal with these guys is that rather than having the overhead of a full truck depot, they have single trucks sprinkled across self storage facilities across Canada. Universal does…

  • Some thoughts on the potential Twitter exodus

    A friend has abandoned Twitter. He is pretty early, but I suspect he is at the front of a potentially huge geek wave. I know what it is like to leave a platform. It can be tough, but there are a plethora of communication tools for the Internet. I moved to Twitter as my main…

  • RIP

  • Iran’s Lost Territories

    Although this DIA presentation on the “new” Great Game is too high level to be really insightful, and is guilty of being an OWerpoint (also see this example) in some places, there are some really handy slides detailing Iran’s claims to surrounding territories. Slide 29: Iran: Territories Lost and Gained Slide 30: Iran: Territorial Changes…

  • The Unbucket list

    Sometimes you do momentous things, things that every man should do. But sometimes, you do things that you never thought you would do in your entire life. These are collectively known as your “Unbucket List.” Last weekend we built a deck. I have photographic evidence. We are computer programmers. Our delicate fingers and slim wrists…

  • parislemon: robsheridan: A statement prepared for President Nixon to read in the event that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became stranded on the moon. Whoa.

  • parislemon: robsheridan: A statement prepared for President Nixon to read in the event that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became stranded on the moon. Whoa.