
@chadkoh — Generous with Likes ❤️

Year: 2012

  • Profile of a hustler: Instantbight.com

    David Silverman is the blogger behind instantbight.com, popularized recently for his simple 5 Question Interviews of technorati. Looking at the list you might recognize some people that I mention from time to time: Horace Dediu, Craig Mod, Ethan Marcotte and Dan Adams for example. David has been publishing these short interviews about one a day…

  • Big Idea: Financing Space Exploration

    I was up late last night and began to consider the problem of funding for scientific research. After learning about disruption theory last year I often look around and think about possibilities of disruption. Big science is ripe for it. Because of my lifelong love of the mysteries of the cosmos I am particularly interested…

  • Maximum Viable Product

    How good can you make a Minimal Viable Product? Last night Allen Pike tweeted about a talk proposal on “Maximum Viable Products”. A conversation ensued. I thought more about what Allen proposed and whipped up a graphic of the wide spectrum of Lean product development: From the left, you have no product. Just some wireframes…

  • Ouch

    This is the current top review of Mule Radio app: Reskinned 5by5 App ★☆☆☆☆ by TokuNJT Like two of the shows you can listen to with this app – “Let’s Make Mistakes” and now “The Talk Show” – it is essentially a re-skinned version of the 5by5 app previously produced by developer Black Pixel for…

  • Yep, still using Clear from @realmacsoftware. Here is my minimalist GTD setup.

  • Yep, still using Clear from @realmacsoftware. Here is my minimalist GTD setup.

  • [REVIEW] Grouped: How Small Groups of Friends Are the Key to Influence on the Social Web

    Grouped: How Small Groups of Friends Are the Key to Influence on the Social Web by Paul Adams My rating: ★★★★★ Great little book giving an overview of a wide array of research on social networks and how information passes through them. Though near the end it gets a little too evangelical for permission marketing…

  • Getting customers in the enterprise

    Today at #LeanCoffeeKL we had a great discussion about how to acquire customers when your target market is the Enterprise, rather than the general public like a more traditional startup. During the discussion I came up with three models that I would like to propose for discussion: 1. Traditional B2C startup: You make your product,…

  • diggydivision: hashtagsinning: OH CANADA well played

  • diggydivision: hashtagsinning: OH CANADA well played