Year: 2010
[All props to sharky_p2p]
[All props to sharky_p2p]
Empathy in branding, software design and MAGIC. Via
Notes on Windows Phone 7 Series
DISCLAIMER: The following are simply impressions and questions I have. Think of them as notes for the future, when the WP7S actually launches. I was prompted to post my thoughts by the following tweet: @Mutantfroginc asked: Impressions of WM7 demo? I’m still undecided, but it may be closer to Raskin’s transparent design than any phone…
- Clay Shirky: How Social Media Can Make History Excellent talk. Great speaker. Here Comes Everybody is the next book queued up on my Kindle. More insightful TED talks on social media from Mashable. (Source:
<param name="movie" value=" wesruvlikesstuff: How to Report the News Holeee shiat. You know I’ve noticed the pattern, how every news report is the same bland presentation, but when it’s put out so plainly and obviously in front of you… well. That’s something else. (Source:
Anti-foreign vote fridge magnet I got in the post today. (Just to clarify, everyone got it, they weren’t targeting me or anything.)
Anti-foreign vote fridge magnet I got in the post today. (Just to clarify, everyone got it, they weren’t targeting me or anything.)