
@chadkoh — Generous with Likes ❤️

Month: October 2017

  • Ethnocultural Diversity in Kelowna

    It has been 10 years since Canada has had a comprehensive census. This year the results have been trickling out from StatsCan, and today the stats that I have been waiting for all year were finally released: immigration. Some high level findings: 250 ethnic groups 1 in 5 Canadians are foreign-born 2 in 5 kids…

  • Remembering through facsimile

    This weekend I finally sat down to watch Shinkai Makoto’s breakout anime hit of 2016 「君の名は。」Your name.. It was an entertaining story with some nice twists, great voice acting, and some cute scenes. In preparation for this film I watched two other Shinkai films in order to get more familiar with his work. First was…