
@chadkoh — Generous with Likes ❤️

Month: September 2014

  • Quarterly review: FY14Q3

    Each quarter I do a quick roundup of the book and film reviews that I do on Goodreads and Letterboxd. These reviews are too short and off-the-cuff to be included with the more indepth reviews I do on this site. Books Well, I completed my my 2014 Goodreads reading challenge a bit earlier than usual.…

  • On the contrary — A review of Zero to One

    Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters This book is incomplete and thus unsatisfying. It is a condensed version of Peter Thiel’s Stanford class. It takes less than 4 hours to read, compared to 19 meetings in the classroom. Without context, footnotes, and evidence,…